Customising favourite garments with visible mending, or to actively “embellishmend” them is a positive step towards celebrating the clothing, respecting the fibres in the cloth and reducing the amount we send to landfill.

The act of ‘repair and continue to wear’ is now becoming more acceptable due to our growing concerns about the environment. Customising favourite garments with visible mending, or to actively “embellishmend” them is a positive step towards celebrating the clothing, respecting the fibres in the cloth and reducing the amount we send to landfill.

I teach a weekly sustainable stitch workshop, where I encourage the group to enjoy stitch and the connections they make within the group while stitching. After creating samples of stitches that are not only decorative, we also consider whether the first aid we are applying to the garment is appropriate. Is it a suitable weight of thread or yarn, be it contrasting colour or texture so that it is fit for purpose. After that there are no rules!

I now run visible mending workshops in blocks in Winsford, Bunbury and Kelsall. If you would like to know more about the days, times and prices please do get in touch.Beginners are very welcome, everyone works at their own pace.

Mending is truly trending, come and be part of it. To find out about current dates and locations of visible mending workshops please go to my workshop page.